
Mobile Poker Ongame - Part

Poker players, poker network to know the name of course - Ongame. This is the biggest poker networks (the former is the largest expulsion of the Americans.) Ongame company itself, as it has been already mentioned, the acquisition of distributor BWIN. Ongame software company not only owns, but a large, online poker rooms such as PokerRoom and EuroPoker couples. Therefore, it was found, this is poker room, is the sole owner, but can also use the Ongame poker casino game for mobile phone version. Phone software may already exist or will be developed in other parts of the network, but I did not encounter any.

So what kind of mobile poker software provides a Ongame? Ah, games, 'weight' of about 250 kb and the same options, including online and offline, you can practice your poker skills: using the game features four different skill levels, in the poker game - from beginners to experts and, of course, win mobile poker bonus.

But, of course, the most interesting option is to move the poker game. Is only a game - Texas Hold'em, only cash games. For example, you can download some of the options, four-color deck, 3D games, chat, information, sound, etc.

Mobile poker game starts, you should filter the table, select the game type (limited, unlimited), table size (full, reduced, one to one), restrictive, and for real money or play money, or off machine mobile poker game.

Make a choice, press the "table", you will find a list of available tables - this will be the same as the online version of poker tables. If you select "show complete list", you can get all available tables, if you do not have this option - only those tables not fully occupied. For each table, it is the choice, you can get more information (hourly average pot, flop hand percentages). Unfortunately, the current version does not have the opportunity to join a queue table, you can add a part to be occupied or open, looking at the table, the game completely.

Vision statement is an online poker room, to reduce the copies - the same expression, same style, but can show only slightly more than half of the table, please refer to the same time.

By using a handle, you can browse the table, select the desired number of seats, the other input and recognition play a "OK" button (if there is a minimum bid on the table, which displays the) soft phone. If you want to choose immediately after a blind, or wait for you if you want, press [1] or [2].

As you can see the inscription on the screen is very small, you have to be very focused. Basically, you have three keys to navigate: 1 - 2 - fold, call, 3 - bet / raise. Poker in the infinite case, if you bet or raise the open window, where you can enter (or typing on the keyboard, or add a handle smaller) payments. In short, all the interface is very correct, I am not a particularly serious problem in any limited poker. The program is not so much traffic consumption, even relative to the mobile entertainment area, within half an hour, I used less than 200 kilobytes.
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